Area Progress Council
Following the 1966 Race Riot in Dayton, concerned civic leaders sought to understand the growing source of conflict in the community. The Area Progress Council formed a committee to study race relations. UD President Very Reverend Raymond A. Roesch was asked to lead the committee. The following are documents related to the committee found in the Glen Thompson Papers in the Archives and Special Collections at Wright State University. These documents help understand the situation in Dayton in the later half of the 1960s.
Committee on Housing Report (1)
Recommendations Special Committee on Housing to Human Relations Commission, 1966-1967. Glenn Thompson Papers, Box 1, Folder 11, Archives and Special Collections, Wright State University.
Very Reverend Raymond A. Roesch, S.M. to Mr. Glen Thompson, May 26, 1966
Father Roesch seeks to form a committee to investigate poor living conditions within Dayton’s black community. Glenn Thompson Papers, Box 1, Folder 11, Archives and Special Collections, Wright State University.
Memo on Unemployment Rate
Community Research, Inc. June 14, 1966 report to Mr. Glen Thompson on new data on unemployment rates in Dayton. Glenn Thompson Papers, Box 1, Folder 11, Archives and Special Collections, Wright State University.